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Saturday, October 9, 2010

Navy Bear

Dear Elijah,

Nonna took you and Mommy to "Build-A-Bear" to design a special bear for you to cuddle and hold while Mommy is away in the Navy.    Mommy put a special recorder inside so you can hear her voice whenever you pressed the paw.  This way you would not get so lonely while she is gone.

Here are some pictures from this special day ....

Build A Bear 
Thousand Oaks, California 

Elijah looking at the Star Wars Bears...

 Still trying to find the perfect bear for you...

Mommy choosing a voice recorder to place inside... 

 Mommy listening to the store clerk giving her instructions... 
He is telling Mommy she can record her voice for 10 seconds 
and it will be placed inside the Bears paw for you to press and
hear her voice anytime you get lonely.....

Next Step... Fluff The Bear !

The Store Cleark fluffs the bear....

Next Step... Picking a special heart to put
inside your bear....

The final choice ... 

Rubbing the heart on your head 
for special meaning...

The store clerk stuffing the heart into your bear...

Next Steps....

Time to dress the bear... You chose a Navy outfit just like 
Mommy will wear... 

 Getting ready to put his boots on ... 

Next Step.... 

You chose to name your bear "Navy" ! 
So Mommy is typing in the name so 
you can get the birth certificate 

Waiting for it to print.... "Navy" Bear sitting 
Anxiously waiting for you to take him home. 

 Your new best friend... Navy !