Dear Elijah,
I've decided to give you a "Status Check" on what has been happening in your life so far. It's been about 4 months since you and Mommy moved home to live with Nonna & Papa. You are seeing your Daddy on Fridays and Saturdays. You look forward to your visits with daddy and you always come back so exhausted, as if you were up all night playing. Sometimes you are so tired you are very cranky. We've figured out something that works... Mommy and you will go out into the Travel Trailer and spend some time together. After about an hour with Mommy and possibly a nap, you are ready to come in and play with Papa and I.
You've grown so big lately. We bought you some new Buzz Lightyear shoes that light up. You were in a size 8 but we had to get you a 10 this time. I wonder if you are going to be tall like Uncle B (Brandon). You are using the Jogger Stroller more now since you have gotten to big for the regular stroller. You are still holding off on the potty training thing. I think you are very aware of what to do, you just don't want to make it easy on us. Let's hope you give up the fight and become potty trained since it has to happen sooner than later.
We have almost caught you up on all your immunizations. You've been such a good trooper all along. You are always so good when we go to the doctors. You love when they listen to your lungs with the stethoscope.
Speaking of birthday, you recently had one. Turning 3 means you are officially a "Big Boy" now. I will post pictures in a blog for you.
It's so wonderful how you are very close with your Papa John. You guys just love cars. You watch car shows on tv together, go to car shows to look at them, and you even play hot wheel cars on the floor at night. As for your relationship with Nonna... it's perfect! You are such a wonderful, happy guy that I am so drawn to your loving personality. I say prayers that you grow up to understand your importance in this wrorld. You are the element of change... you will make a difference in this life... I could only hope to be around to tell you I told you so. One thing is for certainly.... Always know you are loved beyond compare.