Elijah wasn't feeling well yesterday so we took him to the Urgent Care to be examined by a doctor. The doctor said he had a simple cold and to do the usual: Tylenol for fever, Cold Medicine if he needs it for runny nose & cough, plenty of fluids.. etc.
Today his Mommy and I noticed that he was very congested, so we kept an even closer eye on him. Around 7p, we noticed he seemed to be even more congested and was now wheezing. In fact, you could hear him wheeze across the room. So, we headed back to Urgent Care. When we arrived, they listened to his lungs and checked his pulse ox. They felt it was best that we take him directly to the Emergency Room for care.
Next stop, Simi Valley Emergency Room... Elijah ended up being diagnosed with Left lower lobe pneumonia. He was given a breathing treatment, chest xray, antibiotics and albuterol liquid. We pretended he was Darth Vader of Star Wars when he was wearing the mask during his breathing treatment. He thought that was awesome !
His first Emergency Room experience was a positive one. He was "Mr. Popular" with all the nurses, doctors, respiratory and xray techs. In fact, he was even given an Easter Basket which was filled with lots of goodies.