Today was an eventful day in Elijah & his parents lives. The paperwork for the divorce proceedings were started last Monday (02.22.10) , they were filed with the courts, and today (02.28.10) some of the court documents were given to Elijah's daddy to read and respond to.
Thankfully, "Nonna Mia" (Nonna = Italian for Grandma) knows how important it is for everyone to make sure Elijah's needs are in the forefront of everyone's minds. Therefore, she is going to play the part of "Elijah Advocate". This role is very important because it is going to help make sure everyone keep communicating openly, everyone understands & provides for Elijah's needs, everyone is fair to each other, and to also allow his parents to move on with their lives, yet, still co-parent successfully and raise Elijah in two loving environments.