Lilypie - Personal pictureLilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Hair Cut

Dear Elijah,

Tonight you went with Nonna to get your hair cut.  You and Mommy have a special date to meet Ryan's grandparents and you wanted your hair to be just like his.   Here you are flirting with the ladies in the salon while you waited for Nonna to get her hair done too.   You scored big with chips and candy from all the ladies.  Elijah aka Ladies Man !!    toooooo cute :-)

Photo Credit:  © Maria Nault Photography 

Friday, February 24, 2012

Alphabet Book ~ "U"

Dear Elijah,

We are having so much fun making an alphabet book together.  It certainly makes learning the alphabet fun and it's something you have asked for to help your future sibling(s) to learn as well.

The other day you, Mommy, and Daddy-to-be Ryan, went shopping for new underwear.  You were so excited and I found you up in your room taking each one out of the package, looking at it, and folding them nicely for the drawer.   Sooooooo, I just HAD to take a picture of you for our book.

Makes for the perfect U don't you think?

Photo Credit:  © Maria Nault Photography 

Thursday, February 23, 2012

School Days

Dear Elijah, 

You just love school and you are learning so much.   Here is some of the homework you had to do the other night.  I'm sure you will get a good grade as you put so much pride into doing a good job.   

We are so proud of all that you are learning and for how well you are doing in school.   

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Happy Life = Happy Boy

A Happy Life = A Happy Boy 

Elijah is living a much happier life these days with all his needs provided for him.   One look @ this face and you can see happiness in that beautiful smile.   He is certainly loved ! 

Photo Credit: © Maria Nault Photography
Elijah @ 4 yrs 7 months 

Sunday, January 29, 2012

First Monster Truck Show

Nonna and Papa took Elijah to his very first Monster Truck show in Anaheim.   He had such a blast watching the trucks and his favorite was "Mohawk Warrior".   He enjoyed Cotton Candy and eating peanuts too.   Here are a few photographs...

Friday, January 6, 2012

Christmas Tree Farm

As you get older, each Christmas becomes even more fun when we go to pick out the tree.  We always let you choose the tree and you love to watch the guys to see what they are doing.  

Here are a few pictures ...