Yesterday was Papa's birthday. You and I had so much fun singing "Happy Birthday" on his voicemail at work to surprise him. Nonna picked you up early and we went grocery shopping to get him a birthday cake, candles, and ice cream.
Here are a few pictures of Papa's special birthday:
Elijah helped Nonna pick out this beautiful cake ...
We chose one that had chocolate cake, chocolate filling, and
sprinkled with coconut and almonds.
You were such a good helper in putting all the candles on
the cake in a special order so they looked nice. You are also very careful not to
touch once Nonna lit them so you didn't get burned.
This is Papa surprised when he saw the beautiful cake we got him...
Papa made a wishand blew out all his candles. He thought we had used
some trick candles since he didn't get them all out in one breath.
That's ok, we know he is getting older... ha ha ha :-)
Afterwards, Nonna served us a BIG piece of cake with
Cookie Dough Icecream. Both Papa and you were very Happy.
One more thing... We also gave him a gift certificate to "Best Buy"
so he could buy a couple of music CDs that he loves.